APureJoY offers a 15-day return policy. If it is within 15 days, we will happily accept any return for you. We will issue a full refund once we receive the product back. Please make sure the lid(s) are on tightly and include the order number in the package to ensure we issue the credit to the correct person. Please remember that original shipping is not credited back and customers are responsible for paying for return shipping. Partial refunds may be issued for any product received in damaged condition or if the significant product has been used.
Please mail to us at-
If your order arrives with any damages please contact us immediately; we would be happy to assist you. You are to inform us within one working day. Please email and include a photo. Please also include a detailed description of the problem along with your order number. The product will be replaced or a refund can be submitted.
Baner Balewadi Road Pune, India.
(+91) 8120372037
Store Open:
Baner Balewadi Road Pune, India.
(+91) 8120372037
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Deleting Account Means:
If you create any classified ptoducts, after deleting your account, those products will no longer in our system
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